„Cosmo for Future“ Assembly February 11th

17. Februar 2020

After weeks of planning, and with the support of members of the Hot Topic Club and Model United Nations, the Cosmo for Future environmental club organised the first student-led assembly in the BCS secondary school. Members of the club talked about their past activities, as well as showcasing their efforts to make the school more environmentally friendly. The Hot Topic Club showed a ‚BCSNBC Special Report‘ based on a visit to the school by a representative of Klimaschutz in Kooperation (https://www.cosmopolitanschool.de/cosmo-for-future-works-with-klimaschutz-in-kooperation/) and the Model United Nations held a debate on the question: ‚what should young people do about climate change?‘. Finally there was a ‚quiz show‘ staring the student representatives, with questions about what is being done to fight climate change around the world. All in all it was a very interesting and entertaining event – all of the students involved deserve a big round of congratulations!