Biology LK in Gläsernes Labor

27th February, 2019

On February 25th, 2019, students of grade 11 Biology courses (Leistungskurs of Abitur Program) carried out very exciting research experiments in the field of Neurobiology. The students investigated trans-mission of an electric signal from the synapses to the muscle fibers of muscles, when the muscles are contracted by electromyogram. 

The students also learned about Alzheimer’s disease, observed a brain tissue of healthy mice, as well as those with Alzheimer’s disease under a light microscope. Some students measured the membrane potential after stimulation using an oscilloscope and other students measured the diffusion potential on two different membranes.

In two other experiments, the students investigated their own learning behavior in a labyrinth and did eye-hand coordination tests with the prism glasses. Our students showed an excellent theoretical knowledge and very good practical skills during the workshop. At the end of the workshop, they presented achieved results in a very professional way.