Berlin Cosmopolitan School is an educational institution for cosmopolitans who learn to think and act in a truly international way with a view to the planet Earth and their fellow human beings. For us, openness to the world also means that we have transformed teaching and learning in such a way that all students can go out into the world at the end of their schooling and have all the prerequisites to survive in the world of tomorrow.
They are inquisitive, knowledgeable, caring and compassionate young people who will play their part in making the world a more peaceful place through understanding and respect. They also develop values and skills that are valued by universities and employers around the world. These are creative and critical thinking, cultural understanding, time management and appreciation of research.
Combined with our many extracurricular offerings, students gain important primary experiences in all areas in the culturally diverse group that they can use in areas such as environmentalism, innovation & digitalisation, new work, science, poetry, arts and crafts.