11th June, 2018

Recently, students from BCS participated in BALMUN, the Baltic Model United Nations in Rostock. 170 delegates and 17 chairs from 24 nationalities participated. This year, 3 BCS students, Jillian, Sofia and Zoe also had special roles at the conference as student officers in the Environmental Committee, the Special Conference, and the Disarmament Committee respectively.

Our students debated various topics relating to this year’s conference theme, “Knowledge and Kinship – Keys to a Sustainable Development.” Students debated topics such as “Granting a governmentally financed full-time education for everyone independent of origin, belief, religion, age, sexual orientation or gender preparing individuals for technologically advanced workplaces;” “Creating a global structure of cybersecurity (to help ensure the security of the internet’s critical infrastructure) whilst maintaining freedom of speech;” and “Promoting the introduction of eco-protective processing methods and technologies through the setting of international minimal standards.”

Thank you to teacher Marcel Thach for organizing the MUN club!